Tag Archives: cannabinoids

Cannabis and Prostate Cancer 

Some people may need to worry about different possible health scares, one of them being prostate cancer. 

Of course, this happens usually when some people go in, and sometimes, the effects happen so suddenly. It may be hard to get out of bed, a person may feel light headed, and there might be abdominal pain.  it’s concerning, and for those who have prostate cancer, it can be metastases into different areas.  It can push the PSA levels quite high, to over 5000 or so, and this can be quite concerning. 

Prostate cancer is a very common cancer sadly, with over 11% of men getting this, and it can definitely be a bit scar too. 

Most of the time, once the cancer is found, the person is put on a combination of calcium, androgen deprivation, along with vitamin D, and the person can’t do a lot about it.  This can definitely be scary, but did you know that cannabis may help with the effects? 

Cannabis for Cancer? 

There are ways that cannabis can help.  While there isn’t something that definitively says, a combination  CBD, THC, THC-A and CBD-A is good for this, since they do have anti-tumor properties, and it’s something that can be used in any targeted cancer treatment.  Moderate doses do work. 

For some people, doing this with cannabis oils along with testosterone blockers, vitamin D, and Calcium can actually help with this, bringing the PSA down, and even helping with bony metastases as well. 

This is something that’s dramatic for some people, especially since a lot of people don’t have the PSA numbers blow 1 or so. cannabinoids with hormonal therapy can actually help for a lot of people who do have prostate cancer. This of course, is something that could be used as a treatment method along with radiation or surgery too. 

What cannabinoids Do 

Cannabinoids of course interact with the endocannabinoid receptors which of course is a system all of us have, and many times, these are activated through the cannabinoids consumed, and cannabis is a powerful controller of this. 

This works with those receptors, and tumors with a lot of receptors will respond to this. Prostate cancer in particular does have a very dense population of receptors. 

It does the following when triggered: 

  • Lowers the blood supply to this. 
  • Activate the endocannabinoid system to fight the cancer 
  • Uses non-THC cannabinoids to reduce the testosterone levels, working like androgen blockers 
  • Causes cellular suicide in some cases 

There isn’t toxicity from this too, and this could be something that can help those who need something with natural ani-cancer effects. For those specifically looking for prostate cancer solutions, cannabis can actually help with reducing the testosterone in some ways, and it can be helpful as a lot of typical blockers usually fail. It’s a great way as well to relieve other side effects as well, including lack of appetite, pain for treatments, and nausea too. 

The non-psychoactive properties are tested exclusively, and while there isn’t a ton of studies done on this, it could definitely be something that’ll incorporate more THC as well. Most of the cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes found in this do have anti-cancer properties, and this is something that can actually offer some benefits. 

Right now, there needs to be more data confirmed, and more studies done, and it’s something that could possibly be used to help with hormonal blocking too. While there is still a lot to learn, it could be helpful for those who suffer from prostate cancer today, and to make them live longer too.

How to Use a Tincture 

The beauty of cannabis tinctures is that they are convenient, quick, and usually are a safe way to consume different cannabinoids. 

They’re made through infusing cannabis into liquids such as alcohol, hemp oil, MCT oil, or grapeseed oil. This offers further benefits and lets you get the cannabis benefits that you want without vaping or smoking. 

This is one of the best ways to use it, especially in places where using cannabis is frowned upon. 

Why tinctures 

Tinctures are easy, quick, and they are convenient. You don’t need to worry about it smelling, nor do you need smoking accessories. They’re basically all in smell-proof bottles that are easy for storage and carrying. 

Tinctures are a good, healthy way to consume the various cannabis that you enjoy. It is believed to also be safer too, since cannabis smoke does have some carcinogens and toxins, and even vaping does have these compounds. They’re considered the safest way to consume cannabis too. 

They are precise in dosage, and they’ll tell you how much you’re getting through the dropper that’s in the bottle. 

How to use This 

Since it’s pretty simple, most think that it doesn’t require a lot of thought to it, but there are those who don’t use them correctly. 

You’ve got three ways. You add it to liquids, orally, or sublingually. 

Sublingual is when you put it underneath the tongue, hold it there for up to 180 seconds and then swish it about for a bit before you swallow it. It absorbs the cannabinoids into membranes around the inside of the cheeks and tongue. Once absorbed, they get carried directly to the bloodstream, where the effects happen. 

These can be felt within 3 minutes and last up to 3 hours or so. 

You can also have these orally though, and they do produce similar effects, but they last a lot longer. It can take up to 2 hours for it to work, and the effects can last up to 6 hours in some cases. 

Finally, you can add these to liquids and food to hide the taste. Coffees, teas, or eve other foods that mix well together such as a sauce, yogurt, or pudding are good. This is basically like and edible, and the onset will be similar to if you just took it orally. 

It can last up to 6 hours, but it’ll take up to 2 hours to fee the effects. 

Not All Equal 

A big thing to understand is that despite them looking similar, not every tincture is the same. One of the advantages of tinctures is that you get different ratios compared to other compounds.  It isn’t just THC or CBD either, a lot of them have ratios for both. If both one of them or the other isn’t working, try to use a combination tincture instead. You also may need to use something as well that’s a bit stronger if you’ve tried but are still not feeling the effects of it either. 

Tinctures are a fun way to consume cannabis, and a lot of people like it for this reason. With that said, do be mindful of the types of tinctures that you decide to consume, and if you think that it’s good for you, talk to your doctor or a qualified butender to help you not only figure  out the best ways to have this, but also what the best tincture for the job is, and how a certain tincture may be what you’re looking for, based on the goals that you might have as well for your cannabis consumption and overall wellness too.

Medical Cannabis For Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a condition where you’re manic and depressive and it’s one that Involves having moods that are super high, and then super low in a lot of cases. It’s hard to control, and it’s one that doctors have looked for a variety of means to fix this.

While a lot of drugs are what people take to treat this, the problem is that they come with some nasty side effects which is why a lot of people have recently turned to cannabis as a way to treat this condition. Can it help though?

How it Can help

Medical cannabis does have some psychoactive properties with this, and for those who have anxiety, depression, hypomania, judgement that’s impaired, some form of nervousness, even suicidal thoughts and hallucinations this can definitely be something that can help with this condition.

The symptoms of this aren’t good for a person, and many have found that medical cannabis can reduce this as well.

Ashton Review and Segar Study are two of the most commonly cited ones, especially when  they look at how medical cannabis does impact the psychiatric health of many patients that are there.

The study involved a lot of patients, who used cannabis to see how it can improve the cognitive behaviors and functions of the people involved.

They did have some bipolar patients and compared it to the people who did end up smoking as well and nonsmokers alike.

They did a four-week study to analyze the changes that came with this, and initially, they didn’t see a major difference in this.

The people who did use cannabis didn’t have any sorts of cognitive problems and impairment, but those who did smoke it also noticed that their moods were far more stabilized than  those who didn’t.

Right now, this is the only real big study, but they did conclude that through this, they found that there were some positive effects on those who did suffer from bipolar conditions.

The cannabinoids within this worked in a specific way. They were able to exert almost a hypnotic sort of effect on the people who took it and those that had bipolar conditions

This effect did help with relaxing their minds, boosting their concentration, and also helping them feel good.

Medical cannabis, coupled with other forms of therapies that were used such as prescriptions was the best course of action for those with bipolar disorder, as this is the best way to monitor both of these conditions as well, and it’s something that a lot of doctors have since started to put in, as it can be something that can offer a variety of different health effects that are there too.

So is medical cannabis a means to cure this condition? Of course it’s not the cure for everything, and not every patient does respond to the use of medical cannabis the same way. Those that are more anxiety prone will not fare well with cannabis, as it may exacerbate the anxiety and other restlessness, and the conditions that are there.

But, if you do well with this, you can use both of these drugs together in order to create a desired effect that can help you/

You can feel better balanced, and a whole lot better in some cases.

There is still a ton of research that does need to be done on this, and this isn’t’ the end all to this study, but we’re starting to see some major changes in the world of medical cannabis, with people who are able to use it to treat more conditions  than ever before possible.

Uses of RSO Oil 

RSO oil, or rick Simpson oil, is a type of oil that’s high in cannabis. It’s got the name because of the man who created it, where he got cancer, and was able to utilize marijuana to treat this. He used it, and the carcinoma was able to lessen and disappear. 

This type of oil is used to help with different things, and being so high in concentration, it can be really good for a lot of people.

Why Indica in RSO? 

RSO doesn’t use sativa, but instead, a strong indica cannabis plant to help with this. the THC is up to 90% in some cases. Why is this?  It’s because it helps to sedate the body, offering a relaxed, sleepy sensation that’ll help the person who is using this feel better. 

Sleep is really good for healing, and indica can be good for helping to provide sleep in order to battle certain problems, especially cancer. 

Rick Simpson made sure that the oil was available to anyone who needed it, and he actually shared exactly how to make this. he’s actually gotten a chance to grow more cannabis, and also has offered thousands of people battling cancer this oil, without charging them, and it’s available to people in dispensaries for them to use as well. 

Uses for This 

Cannabis is used for a lot of things, but RSO, given the concentrations, thrives in the world of helping to combat any side effects involving inflammation and the like.

Chronic inflammation isn’t fun, and it’s a condition that’s actually the base of a variety of  different illnesses, offering a variety of different effects.

Along with this, RSO is utilized for a lot of other conditions too.  They include a variety of different pathological illnesses, some chronic, others possibly acute.

Some of the conditions it help with include the following: 

  • Depression and anxiety 
  • Neurological issues that happen 
  • Asthma 
  • Rheumatoid along with osteoarthritis 
  • Infections 
  • Cholesterol being high 
  • Inflammation  
  • Fibromyalgia 
  • High blood pressure 
  • Insomnia 
  • Chronic pain 
  • AIDS 

RSO is something that’s really good for a lot of people, and it’s effective in a ton of cases because of the mixture of a lot of the compounds that are available within cannabis, including CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids 

It also is responsible for what’s called the entourage effect, which is a condition that happens due to all of the cannabinoids and everything working together, and it can make you feel better, and help you as well. It’s great to see, and many people do benefit from this as well. 

How to Use This 

RSO is something that has a bit of a specific protocol. For those using this to combat serious conditions, you want to use about 60 grams over a period of 90 days.  In order to take this, you want to start off small, for the sole reason that it can be hard to really handle if it involves too much, and you have no tolerance.

You take three doses every single day, and you want to take them around eight hours apart every single day.

First week, you take a single drop, around the size of a grain of rice.  For the second to the fifth week, you want to slowly get up to a gram a day. For the rest of the treatment, a gram every single day is up to 60 grams.

This oil is potent, so make sure that you are careful with it when you take it and know your limits as well. 

Cannabis and Nausea 

Cannabis is great for a lot of reasons, but did you know it can help with nausea . We’ve all suffered from nausea in some way.  Whether it’s eating foods your body didn’t agree with, travel sickness, or even having medications without food, nausea is no fun. Nausea is basically discomfort that some one experiences within their stomach, creating that urge that they have to throw up. 

It’s not a disease, or even a condition, but there are some causes for this. For instance, if you have chemotherapy, you can have severe nausea from this.  Sometimes, you may get it from medications that you’re prescribed to fix issues, but it’s because it has these side effects that you end up feeling bad. Some people also get this when they’re pregnant too, as in the case of morning sickness. 

What can you do to relieve nausea? Well, eating meals that are small, minding your hydration, and also avoiding foods that exacerbates this can help. However, if the nausea is chronic, or severe, especially in the case of those who have chemotherapy, then you will want to look for treating nausea with cannabis. It might help you, especially since it’s actually approved by the FDA. In fact, Marinol, and Cesamet are two that are approved to treat cannabis.

Some people also use CBD in certain cases to help with treating nausea, and it’s actually really effective for treating various problems, including but not limited to chemotherapy and the like. 

There is research that supports this too. It’s on the part of THC, which is considered to be naturally antiemetic, which means that it will stop you from vomiting.

Some also say that this works well with other kinds of medications that you might use for nausea, and stimulating the appetite of those who are sick, which can save your life, especially if you’re ill.

If you’re someone who has nausea in some form, you can use cannabis to help with this. If you take medication for this, but there is no relief to be found, consider medical cannabis, since nausea that’s severe is considered a condition that qualifies you for treatment with cannabis.  The doctor can find out more about the right strains, types, and whatnot, to help with the symptoms that you suffer from, and the treatment does also depend as well on the cause that’s under all of this.

The cool thing about this, is that there are now more ways to treat nausea with cannabis than ever before. Gone are the days where you could only get dry flowers to help with this. In fact, some people prefer these other ways for the sole reason of it’s easier for you to treat it in this fashion than if you’re trying to smoke it. You can get edibles, tinctures, and even topicals that can help with the nausea symptoms.

If you’re struggling to treat nausea, there are now different places for you to go that’ll help with improving the symptoms that are there. you just have to get the approval from a doctor before you start this, in order to get the best results possible. 

There are also local dispensaries that you can go to in order to ask about this.  There are a lot of different dispensaries that are looking to possibly help you with your issue.  There are also different types of lists that you can check, and you can find strains that are ideal for nausea, and also, what places sell them, so you can go out, get the medicine you need, and get treated today!